• Винил / Vinyl, Skopje
  • 22:00:00 , 27 Јан, 2017 до 01:00:00 , 28 Јан, 2017
  • Винил / Vinyl
  • 9 доаѓаат, 6 можеби
  • Настанот е завршен
  • За KEPURDHAT не знаевме пуно. Знаме дека се од Тетово, дека свират рок и тоа добар рок и дека не исконтактираа да свират во Винил. Ги проверивме ги слушнавме и ни се допаднаа и се договоривме да дојдат да ни ја презентираат својата музика. Затоа на 27.01.2016 петок ве каниме сите да дојдете во Винил и да ги слушнеме како звучат во живо. Повеќе информации за бендот во продолжение:A highly experienced and talented musicians, Musically talented performers with strong vocals and other instruments stuff– Great singing and instrument playing ability. Passionate about music with the natural ability to adjust own style to suit different music. A quick learners who are always open to learn new styles, having good coordination with other musicians. Music instruments proficiency – Guitar, Drums, Bass, Vocals ■ Professional Background Winners of the Converse Rubber Tracks for Balkan- where there they had the opportunity to record their first album "Fajtu". The biggest achievement after recording the album was their participation on the EXIT festival in Novi Sad (June 2015). The summer of 2015 didn't end up only with the Exit festival for Kepurdhat, they had a very busy schedule with other festivals around the Balkan states. Some of the festivals they performed on were: - Anibar Festival - Peja, Kosovo Beer and wine Festival – Prishtina - Kosovo Green Fest - Mitrovica, Kosovo Pivolend - Skopje, - Macedonia VinoSkop - Skopje, Macedonia- Desound – Tirana, Albania ect. Па се гледаме!