• Nacionalna i Univerzitetska biblioteka "Sv. Kliment Ohridski" - Skopje
  • 17:00:00 , 05 Мај, 2017 до 17:20:00 , 05 Мај, 2017
  • CareerLaunch
  • 61 доаѓаат, 62 можеби
  • Настанот е завршен
  • How to set up for the career path and what is the best way to launch yourself in the tech world. Hajan Selmani, CEO of HASELT, by sharing practical examples and first hand experiences will show the importance of understanding the key reasons in order to make the most of your career. Meet the founder and CEO of HASELT, Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) and active supporter of Macedonian startup community at CareerLaunch Talks. Пријави се на: https://goo.gl/3fQ2AbОвој говор е дел од CareerLaunch – саем за започнување на кариера во tech и стартап компании. Успешната кариера започнува на CareerLaunch 👩‍🚀 👔