• Piazza Liberta, Skopje
  • 17:45:00 , 01 Мар, 2017 до 20:00:00 , 01 Мар, 2017
  • Skopje Tech Meetup
  • 62 доаѓаат, 93 можеби
  • Настанот е завршен
  • #SkopjeTechMeetup e иницијатива која постои веќе трета година за поддршка и јакнење на IT заедницата во Република Македонија . STM има за цел воспоставување на платформа за вмрежување на вработените од IT индустријата во Македонија, споделување на знаење и најдобри практики како и меѓусебна инспирација.Резервирајте ги вашите билети за STM 8 бесплатно на www.SkopjeTechMeetup.mkАГЕНДА17:40 - 18:00: Welcome drinks and buffet18:00 - 18:30: N. Sudijovski | Pornography, the leading influencer of Technology Looking back at all the progress humanity has made through the last few centuries, it's perfectly natural to feel a little bit moved by the power of human ingenuity and our thrive for constant improvement. It's natural, but also (for the most part) wrong. If we really looked into the history of our technological development, we'd notice a pretty intriguing pattern, often intentionally left unmentioned. Well, that is, until now.18:30 - 19:00: D. Andonov Kiskin | SEO: Best Practices for Website Optimization in 2017With the search engine algorhytms update on a daily basis, it's difficult to keep track on what you should do so you can rank your website in the top search results, or even keep your position if it's already high. On that note, we're going to discuss the best practices for search engine website optimization that work in 2017.19:00 - 19:30: A. Gasteovski | Intro to JHipster Building a modern web (or mobile) application requires a lot of tools, frameworks and techniques. Java Hipster a.k.a. JHipster is a free and open-source Yeoman generator that can develop a modern web application using Spring Boot and AngularJS with tons of options in just a few clicks. We will see the full stack that JHipster is using, what can be done, pros and cons and a simple application generated by JHipster.19:30 - 20:00: Drinks and discussionSkopjeTechMeetup e поддржан од Tricode.